Sunday, November 13, 2005

Shower Power

Wet weather programs are we realised today. Whilst it wasn't torrential rain this morning, it was enough to wreak a fair deal of mayhem on the Company Day.

Nothing's ever quite complete without the necessary "Water Parade". You could think of it as a parade of bottles, those 500 ml mineral water bottles (yes, the type that leaves a funny taste in your mouth when you drink it) all lined up in drill master precision, or better still,

...that ubiquitous packed lunch. The sounds of foam against foam, translucent red rubber bands slapping against foam in a symphony of smacks and shuffles. But at the end of the day, I just decided I'd meet with +K (who just returned from Taiwan) for a simple meal at the Ramen place at the Railway Mall.

This little island's really about food. ALL sorts of food...

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