Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Across the Causeway

One sure sign of being back home, is the relentless pursuit of good food, and that means crossing the border into somewhere Truly Asia. The food is fab, and also quite affordable, and there's always a generous serving of seafood to whet one's appetite for more, especially me just having returned from a place where the nearest major port is hundreds of kilometers up north. The shellfish runs the gamut...

Served in various stages of raw-ness...

It's really no exaggeration ...

All being said and done...

... you can't help feeling that the world's your oyster.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yuuummmmm...... oystersssss..... :-P~~~
oh, crabssssss.... :-P~~~~~~~
and and... LOBSTERSSSSSS...... :-P~~~~~~~~~