Thursday, March 02, 2006


It's been a while since the actual flight. But here it is. Night flying. And I'm a self professed dunce when it comes to trying to keep the UFO-thing in the air (read-I crashed mine big time...front guards broken, aerofoil skins torn, motor gear slipped, motor all banged up etc..). I mean, really, it's like a UFO...short of blinking lights that scream of an airborne version of a souped-up Honda, this thing is really as close as you get to one...any closer you'd probably end up on one of their "test" tables....bright lights (*a little passe, but well, a Mike Snow "Truth is out there" soundtrack in the background") and suddenly, your nose feels funny. It's late...and it's been a16 hour work hands are not listening to me, and my legs are walking funny. Time to hit the sack. Laters people.


JJ said...


Anonymous said...

Hi dude, nice eye for details/great composition and captions. Very original : ) - dude from Bel's party