For the record, it was great dinner first with family and Dr. Ti. MMJ plonked one huge surprise in the form of some MG plastic mayhem. Pufflander drops a huge parcel on me. All the TLC that went into it's preparation being very evident in the presentation of both mega prezzys'.
Then came da' surprise. The wonderful crew of EO&JT, GA&ArtL, JY, +K&BC&K-mini with sis, S2 and AL planned it all to perfection (reminding me once again that we go wayyyyy back). Braving mad office hours, parenthood and life's ups and downs, they planned it down to all possible contingencies (including me not turning up) and arrived to see to it that it took off. They topped it all with stuff from Newsboys, good copy on card, necessary (and timely!) literature and a generous dollop of Spirit.
Add to that a gift from The Tap (which I pressed straight into service), plus a timely book from The Jackrabbit, and it's about as much as you could possibly pack into 24 hours, with barely enough room to breath and RT plonks a fruit basket fit for a King on my desk with a cleverly crafted greeting card.
Thanks people. You all made my day. It's a tremendous privilege to be on the receiving end of something like this.
What a day, what a God. Ganz toll!